Monday, March 21, 2011

An Apology.

You'll notice that most of today's comics mention Korey's birthday. That's because today is Korey's birthday. Tuesday I'll get back to dealing with things that are categorically NOT Korey's birthday. Again, if you have any ideas or want to see me tackle any hard hitting issues (Chris' oversized anatomy, Devin's ethnicity, Bender's drug addiction, et al.) just let me know. Preferably in crayon as that is ultimately easier for me to read. A quick note to finish this, I realize that there is a typo in one of the St. Patrick's Day comics, for that I am sorry. As it stands it is one of my biggest pet peeves (your you're). I have subjected myself to a rigorous schedule of self-criticizing and gratuitous beatings. I can't say it won't happen again, because I am unfortunately still a human and thus prone to error, I promise that if it and when it does, I will keep myself up at night sobbing about it.

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